Sibley Nature Center to host NED Talk with Clifford Cuffey
The Sibley Nature Center will host the next installment of the Nature and Environmental Discussion (NED Talks) series on July 18 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
This installment of the series will feature Clifford Cuffey, a renowned geologist who has worked for Chevron for over 26 years and taught geology and astronomy at Midland College.
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Cuffey will discuss the origin and formation of the Llano Estacado, a region of the Southwestern United States also known as the “staked plain”. The Texas State Historical Association characterizes the Llano Estacado as one of the largest tablelands in North America and played a pivotal role in cattle ranching and agriculture during the westward expansion.
To learn more about the event, click here.